Online casinos are booming across the world – also in Austria. But what is the legal situation?
Operetta music and coffee house culture, Heuriger and Viennese shame: Many terms and cultural customs from the times of the Empire are still inextricably linked with Austria today. This includes the love for the well-kept game. Even if casinos in their modern form were not invented here, cards and dice games were received with enthusiasm at the time. In the 21st century, many people across Europe prefer to visit online casinos virtually.
The reason: These are open around the clock, anyone can visit them comfortably from their own sofa and they are a nice pastime. In addition, the Austrian Minister of Finance asks the gaming operator to pay for every time the players are used.
Games of chance are regulated at the federal level. The Federal Gaming Act, or GSpG for short, is enforced by the Ministry of Finance, which also issues licenses for lotteries and casinos.
In order for players to be on the safe side, Austria’s online casinos are regularly and thoroughly examined on the website
The tests also include information on data protection and secure payment by card or app. After all, everyone wants to be able to rely on them in advance that they have real opportunities and that things are right.
Online gambling laws in Austria follow the normal gambling law. At the moment Austria also allows access to online casinos that are not licensed in Austria.
This includes websites that are completely unlicensed as well as websites that have licenses from other countries. However, there is talk of banning such online casinos.
So that providers of online gambling in Austria only receive a license if they:
- have a seat in Austria;
- offer games especially for Austria.
These regulations have somewhat limited the number of international companies that want to set up here.